Monday, May 3, 2010

Tokio Hotel's Taiwan Press Conference

(Credits goes to MTV Taiwan's FB )

In case you guys are wondering the little children's shirt are spelling Tokio Hotel ( Thanks bakela 13 from Tokio Hotel America Forums)
Translation made by Jesse from Tokio Hotel America Forums

The press conference will apparently be shown on the Sat at 9pm on MTV News on MTV Taiwan. Let's hope we get to see their interaction with the adorable kids!

It's not a very good translation but the basic gist is this, correct me if I'm wrong! :) :

Germany's Tokio Hotel arrived on 5/2 night in Taiwan. After a night's rest, they had their 1st press conference on 5/3, officially meeting Taiwanese fans! The 4 big boys (a big boy (大男孩) means that the guy is over the teenager phase, probably older than 18, but still display characteristics of a young boy, eg straight forward, shy, sweet, it's viewed as a positive description) are not only very good looking, but their personalities are straight forward and sweet. Besides poking fun and being sarcastic to each other, they answered every question and chatted with the reporters.

When asked if they are be worried that ex-girlfriends of theirs may sell their stories to the press, guitarist Tom answered confidently, "No! Because my ex-girlfriends will only say good things about me." Mischievous Tom took the opportunity to poke fun at the other members, saying that they have no such worries as they don't have ex-girlfriends and that Georg just got his very first girlfriend, asking the reporters to congratulate Georg, his funny and nonsensical answer had everyone in stitches.

Handsome lead vocalist Bill was invited to walk in a runway show before and so everyone was curious if he would set up his own fashion label. Tom, who is also Bill's older twin brother, immediately replied that Bill is very poor in drawing and that he himself would never buy clothes dwsigned by Bill, causing Bill not knowing whether to cry or laugh (literal translation from a Chinese saying, kind of like being caught in an embarrassing situation).

Questions were asked regarding this year's World Cup, but the band members were surprisingly not very interested in the event. Tom replied that although his football/soccer skills are not bad, he is not interested in the event, allowing Bill to seize the chance and poke fun back at him, saying, "He's actually not very good at the sport!" The interaction among the band showed that there is a very strong bond and friendship between them.

Tokio Hotel also had a exclusive interview with MTV Taiwan. Considerate Bill even asked staff who were helping to take photos whether they wanted to have a group photo together as well, causing all staff to fall under his charm (again, literal translation). As to the question whether they would consider dating a Taiwanese girl, all four gave a resounding "Yes!". During the interview, Tokio Hotel also shared with MTV their dress sense in private, their favorite food, the type of girl they like, Bill's makeup habits etc. This exclusive interview will be shown at 9pm, this Saturday on MTV NEWS, please tune in!


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