Monday, December 6, 2010

Spin Magazine's Readers Poll Year End 2010 Edition

Se votará por nominación directa:
It will be a direct nomination:
Artist of the year: Tokio Hotel
Best Live Artist: Tokio Hotel
Sex God of the Year: Tom Kaulitz
Album of the Year: Tokio Hotel, Humanoid City Live
Best song: Tokio Hotel, Darkside of the Sun
Best video: Tokio Hotel, Darkside of the Sun

Enlace aquí
Link to go there here

Estoy recibiendo leña de porque propongo a Tom Kaulitz en la categoría de Sex God. La razón por qué propongo a Tom Kaulitz dos principalmente. Una ya Bill brillo en la página de Spin Magazine tanto en la versión en línea como en la impresa. Otra me he fijado que es necesario aumentar la cantidad de personas por a darle un break a la banda al menos de ser escuchada tanto en los Estados Unidos como en Puerto Rico. Ya todos conocen a Tokio Hotel por Bill Kaulitz y ya de por si ya de entrada la banda tiene prejuicios al menos que ocurra lo primero que es escuchar y luego ver a sus integrantes. Reconoscmo que los cuatro en mi persona son Sex Gods cada uno en su propia categoría. Me apena ver una avalancha de votos a favor de Bill en cualquier votación pero cuando se busca para votar por los demás miembros la fanaticada desaparece y solo relacionana Bill Kaulitz y nada más con Tokio Hotel. Luego nos quejamos que se fijen en el gruppo solo por su imagen esta es una buena oportunidad de dar a conocer a la banda desde otra perspectiva.  Bill tiene su mérito como también los otros también se merecen ser reconocidos como Sex Gods y miembros de la banda.  El potencial de Tom y un fanatico más al igual que vean también a Georg o a Gustav aumenta porque se pueden no solo relacionar con ellos en términos de imagen pero también suaviza el contraste del cual Bill Kaulitz presenta de entrada el cual choca pero a su vez trae curiosidad. Solo hagan la prueba yo la hice con varias personas a mi alrededor y funciono. No presente ninguna foto de Bill si no de los otros y logre que la persona la escuchara y no se dejará ver los prejuicios de primera instancia. Irónico les muestro luego la foto de Bill Kaulitz y lo que me dijero pues gracias por mostrarme a los otros miembros porque si llego a verlo a el primero ni me molesto en escucharlos. No todos tienen la mente abierta como yo o como tú hay que buscar la vuelta para atraer más fans de Tokio Hotel o posibles personas que estén dispuesta a escuchar. Yo lamentablemente vivo en un país donde se discriminan mucho a las personas de primera fachada pero muy pocos se molestan a ver más alla del cascarón. Al menos que se le presente otra cara de la moneda y es ahí que reaccionan.

Más que todo acuerdensen de votar en las otras categorías Tokio Hotel son cuatro hombres y no uno solo. Los cuatro hacen de la banda Tokio Hotel, por favor acuerdensen de colocar el nombre de la banda en las categorías correspondiente y escritas bien. ¡Es crucial!

Crónica- México

El Récord- México

Reforma- México

El Porvenir- México

El Excesior- México

Mis disculpas/ My apologies

Mis disculpas por no tener al dia el blog. La razón por la cual está atrasado es porque en estos momentos me encuentro en plena tesis o sea dentro del proceo se investigación de la misma y su depuración. Si como vez tengo un poco de vida fuera de Tokio Hotel y soy humana lo cual me obliga a establecer prioridades entre ellas mi vida academica. Por lo cual espero lograr defender en algún día en el primer semestre del 2011, si la huelga de la Universidad de Puerto Rico asi lo permite.

My apologies for not putting this site with the appropiate updates. I know I am lacking of energy that this site deserves. But this lacking of energy to have some time comes from me being fully immerse in the investigative process of my thesis of my master degree. Yes I am a graduate student and I when it comes to priorities I put my real life first. No this does not mean that I am quitting the blog but I ask you to be a bit understanding why I am being a bit too late with the updates. I just hope I am done with this madness by early somewhere in the first semester of 2011... if the strike at the University of Puerto Rico allows me to defend it and get on with my life. This has provoke in me some stress and deep depression. During the past year cause I am starting that my life is being put into a forced halt that is beyond my control. Enough of this lets put this blog with the appropriate updates

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Tokio Hotel @ Peru 25/11/10

Ya lo escuhcaron dijo, ¡te quiero Peru! Que envidia de la buena... X-D

                                                Creditos/ credits : MVV&ASOCIADOS

Entrevista de veanla ahí para darle  demanda de trafico a la pagina y dejen sus comentarios.

Press Conference Brasil 23/11/10

Trabajaré en una traducción del portugués al español mis disculpa he estado muy ocupada con la investigación de mi tesis, por el momento les dejo la versión en ingles de ambas entrevistas.

What we sawBy Elba Kriss and Priscila Roque

OMG! Today the day was though here at the redaction. In the early morning, we sent [our crew] to the centre of São Paulo, where there would be a press conference with Tokio Hotel. The band, who arrived at our country for an only presentation, received the journalists and photographers to talk about the show, the new DVD, the Humanoid City Live and the career.

The interview took a little bit to start. But, after staying face to face with the guys, we forgot about the delay. We tweeted during the whole conversation. If you didn't saw it, check it now about the cool stuff they talked about:

Tokio Hotel around the world - Bill told that what he finds most impressive is the way the fans found their musics out around the planet, mostly when the subject is Internet.

Tokio Family - Again Bill, as speaker from the band, explained they have a special story in Germany. But still, all countries are important. This is the Tokio Hotel Family.

Show in Brazil - One of the band's goals was to give shows in South America. And, thats why, they are really happy and excited to feel the energy of people in tonight's presentation.

Tom + Bill at USA - We asked if the twins trip to the USA may cause some change in the next album. They, cute [as they are], told us that nothing will be different, once Humanoid was also produced in Los Angeles. Telling the truth, the trip was only made to make the producing work easily and make everything more comfortable.

Camping fans - Yes!Teen also asked if they knew fans were camping outside of Via Funchal. All of them saw the videos on the Internet and found that was really incredible. We told them that @naakaulitz tweeted to us that she traveled 25 hours fro Vitória da Conquista until São Paulo by bus just to see them. Do you know what did Bill said? "Oh my god! I traveled 30 hours by plain to get here and I almost didn't stand it... That's really incredible! Its cool to know stories about fans so much dedicated."

Bill #seduction - The singer confessed that he doesn't find himself so that beautiful as fans say he is, but he is happy about to know about that. At this time, Tom also added: "It's all bullshit!" All of them laughed...

Composition process -Bill told that, when the inspiration comes, he records something on his cellphone or writes it. He revealed that he even sings on the shower. #lout-laugh To tell the truth, the creative process is never the same. The boys get together in the new studio and let the inspiration come, no rush. Sometimes, they don't even play... Just keep eating pizza and playing table tennis.

Bill's look - Tom, as soon as he listened to the question, answered before Bill: "He takes 2 minutes to get dressed, not 5 hours...", joked him. Bill, to say the truth, explained that this look became natural in his life. He wakes up and just get dressed [this way] - doesn't take hours picking his clotheses. But revealed that his new haistyle is much more easier [to take care of] than the other. To the interview, he said he took 5 minutes to get it ready. #I-laughed

We had a seat on the place and made a list of what we have seen. Do you want to know?
- Bill got into the room with a glass of Coke (ice + lemon) and shared with his brother. They both drink from the same glass!
- Tom wanted water but his bottle was made of glass and needed a corkscrew. Finding it hard when tried to open it, a photographer ofered him some help. #poor-him

- Georg and Tom stood there making little jokes with gestures that we can't reproduce here ;).
- In the end of the press conference, Bill got stuck on his chair due to his suspenders. #loud-laugh
- To answer to our questions, Bill looked riiiight into our eyes and ended with a smile. #we-died
- As soon as the photoshooting ended, everyone left the room, but Bill stood there showing his tattoo on his arm - the one which says "Freiheit 89" (Freedom 89, in German).

G1 - To Tokio Hotel's lead singer, the camping fans are "the cooler"

Bill Kaulitz said he saw some videos on the internet of the row outside the door of Via Funchal. The German Pop Rock band will debut in São Paulo this Thursday (23).

Tokio Hotel's fans are camping, making a row outside of Via Funchal, where the band will present themselves this Thursday  (23), they have total aproving of the singer from the German quartet.

"We saw some videos on the internet with people sleeping outside. It's the best thing to have fans of this kind. We already had fans who followed every single show of us, who even sleep in their cars. This is cool", said Bill Kaulitz, on a press conference made in the beggining of this evening.

The tour which brought Tokio Hotel to Brazil took the band also to Japan, which capital of it it's on the band's name for a reason. Their biggest dream was to play there. "We went to Japan once and we were really happy about it" [MY Note: Doesn't the translator of the band meant they were happy about they will be there soon?], the singer told. For them, there aren't a big difference among all the fanclubs around the world. "Our fans are really connected and look like a community. We have a special connection to our fans in Germany, of course."

The first album of the band, in German, is "Schrei", from 2005, and sold 500 000 copies all around the world. Tokio Hotel also released two English albuns, "Scream" (2007) and "Humanoid" (2009), besides their live one "Humanoid City Live".

Fuentes/ Source: Yes!Teen  & G1

Translation: Aniinhas from THUS

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Sao Paulho, Brasil 23/11/10

La banda toco el mismo  conjunto de canciones que toco durante su gira en Europa en el concierto de Brasil
The band played the same songs that they played during the Humanoid City Tour in Europe at the concert in Brasil.
                                               Credits to: Mondo Entretenimento

Aquí les dejo una muestra de lo que se disfruto en el concierto de Brasil.

                                         Oh my! ¡Esa foto esta preciosa! This picture is really pretty!
Por favor vayan a las fuentes originales y dejen sus comentarios.
Please visit the original site and leave feadback of the picture
Fuente/ Source: fotografo/ photographer: Marcus Nascimento

Friday, November 19, 2010

Hurricanes and Suns

La canción inedita de Tokio Hotel que aparecerá en el Best of Tokio Hotel llegará primero a los radioescuchas de Grecia este próximo lunes por Mad.Tv 106.2 en su programa radial Mappes. La radioemisora lo acaba de confirmar en su página oficial.

The un-edit song and part of the Best of Tokio Hotel album will meet the daylight. Hurricanes and Suns will be air in Greece thanks to Mad..Tv 106.2 this upcoming Monday in their show Mappes. The radio station has confirmed it in their website.

El enlace clave para el lunes. 

The key link for Monday.

Puerto Rico: 1:00 am  Lunes- Monday
EST( NY, NJ, CT,etc) 12:00am  Lunes-  Monday
CST( IL, IN, WI,etc) 11:00pm Domingo- Sunday
MST ( CO,AZ,etc) 10:00pm Domingo- Sunday
PST(CA,WA,etc) 9:00pm Domingo- Sunday

Durch die Nacht mit Wolfgang Joop und Bill Kaulitz subio unos adelantos del documental de Durch die Nacht mit Wolfgang Joop und Bill Kaulitz. Lo pueden ver ahi sin la traducción pero con el motivo de aumentar el tráfico en site. ;-) has uploaded some previews of the documentary Durch die Nacht mit Wolfgang Joop und Bill Kaulitz. Just go there to see it without translation but to help with the traffic site. ;-)

Si quieren ver los subtitulos en inglés denle un click a CC en el video. ¡Disfrutalo!

If you want the subtitles just click on CC the video. Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Tokio Hotel - News - Monterrey show.

Tokio Hotel - News - Monterrey show.
El concierto de Monterrey ha sido cancelado. El motivo de la cancelación es por motivos de seguridad tanto de la banda como de la fanaticada.

Un gran besote y un abrazo bien fuerte a mis amigos de Monterrey, Mexico.Mis plegarias estan con su Estado, su país y por mi América que ha sido abatida fuertemente por el narcotráfico con unos gobiernos que se cruzan de brazos y se protege sus espaldad el uno al otro sin tomar más acción de proteger las almas inocentes de nuestros paises.

Buzz Bites (11/16/10): Tokio Hotel Prep Three Best Of... Albums

Buzz Bites (11/16/10): Tokio Hotel Prep Three Best Of... Albums

¡ Ya saben el proceso comenten!
You know the drill! Leave a comment!

Extra extra Best of ... Tokio Hotel

Atentos chicos! Esto esta perfecto para estar al día con lo mejor de lo mejor de Tokio Hotel en estas navidades. Pendientes que estaré postulando los detalles donde se puede adquirir el cd,o el combo sea cual sea siempre y cuando nosotros ayudemos al número de ventas del album tanto en Puerto Rico como en Estados Unidos.

Hear, hear! This is perfect to be uptodate  with the best of Tokio Hotel in this upcoming Holidays Season 2010. Stay tuned for more details on where to get it to increase the sell and help the numbers here for them in Puerto Rico and in the United States.

Tokio Hotel's Facebook.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Rock Teen ( Brasil)

Bill opens up about the inspiration, fans and visual
What is that you like from Tokio Hotel fans?
They are energetic! For us, the fans their excitement is not enough! We want them to scream! Is the energy that you get when you are on stage. We do not want play for a tranquil ( senile) audience that just wants to hears the songs. I think that is should be a party, where the energy is mandatory. All of that is impressive. And they come from everywhere, they follow us, they support us, the sleep in front of the locations of the shows… I love that intensity!
How do you guys find the inspiration on the road?
You get ideas on the road, sometimes. I believe that inspiration is everywhere. I always carry a pen with me the laptop. Sometimes we do a few things on the tour bus. For the Humanoid, we just wanted a time in the studio did not want to write on the road. But I think, just to gather some ideas, it's great to travel.
Image and identity,  what it means for the band?
For us, Tokio Hotel is not a job, is our live.  We never tried to create and image of something else. We were always ourselves. I do not care what other people think about my hair and about our clothes. I think you have to look real and that we always did. And is important ( that our image and identity of the band), because the music, the lyrics of our songs are our own ideas as well as our thoughts, our personalities and also our image. These things go in hand and are intertwined .
Why did you started to make music?
I always love music and to write things. It was then when I started to compose lyrics and put my thoughts on paper. Then I saw a singer in the television and I said: “Ok, I want to do that, get up on stage and sing to the masses”. And everyone told me: “Okay, then do it” I guess no one believed it and it was one thing I really liked. It did some good songs with Tom I love telling this story!

Translation by Zowye, administrator of this blog.

Sunday, November 7, 2010


SANTIAGO, noviembre 5.- El cuarteto Tokio Hotel, conformado por los hermanos Kaulitz, Georg Listing y Gustav Schäfe, arribará por primera vez a nuestro país el 28 de noviembre en el Movistar Arena de la capital, en el marco de la gira “Humanoid City Live Tour 2010”.
"Vamos con lo que consideramos la producción de nuestros sueños, la más grande y de mayor calidad que hemos tenido. Se van a sorprender nuestros fans de Chile", sostiene Bill, cantante y frontman de la agrupación.
Entre los adelantos que Tokio Hotel reveló para su show del próximo 28 de noviembre en Movistar Arena, está la incorporación al piano de Tom en la ejecución de una hermosa balada que termina con el piano en llamas, además de una gran cantidad de efectos especiales de última generación, fuegos y pirotecnia, más la inclusión de sus primeras canciones, como "Übers Ende der Welt" y "Spring Nicht".
"Tocaremos más de Humanoid, nuestro último disco, pero matizaremos mucho con temas de nuestros otros dos álbums (Scherei y Zimmer 483). Las fans estarán complacidas con el show, no lo dudamos", puntualizó Tom.
La productora IconGroup, a cargo del concierto, informa que como parte de su proyecto social denominado “MusicalMente”, que hacen funcionar con cada artista que traen al país, como Scorpions en septiembre, Tokio Hotel también hará su aporte.
En esta oportunidad se realizará la donación de una Sala de Música más una Biblioteca a una nueva escuela de escasos recursos de Santiago y Tokio Hotel participará como padrinos de dicha donación. Esta actividad se realizará el mismo día del concierto en el backstage del show.
A la venta por sistema y en Cinemark y tiendas Ripley.

Derechos Reservados Terra Networks Chile S.A

Fuente original:

Tokio Hotel WINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ganaron por su presentación del World Stage en Grecia 2009, ¡felicidades!
They won for their performance in World Stage in Greece, 2009, congrats!

"We are sorry to other artists, but we have the best fans in the world"
-Bill Kaulitz

Una probada de su presentación en Grecia del año pasado.
A taste of their performance in Greece last year!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Tú (Chile) ¡Entrevista excluiva con Bill y Tom Kaulitz!

Exclusive Interview!
Bill and Tom Kaulitz

We'll let ourselves be surprised in Chile

No doubt that Tokio Hotel is one of the most awaited for visits of the year, and there are thousands of fans that can't take the excitement anymore. Knowing this, we took the phone and spoke to the hottest twins in music. Here it is, our exclusive interview with Bill and Tom Kaulitz

The constant traveling has been the tonic (strength) for the guys of Tokio Hotel for a few years now. And it is precisely the fact of meeting so many people and the diverse places, something that never ceases to excite Bill, Tom, Georg, and Gustav, that has taken their music this year from their native Germany, stopping in Russia, and their successful stop in Asia, where the echoes of their most recent album, Humanoid City, still resonates. Now, and for the joy of thousands of fans, the German band arrives for the first time in Santiago, a fact that has Bill and Tom tremendously excited, who while on their tour break (since they are adjusting the details of their arrival to South America) from Hamburg took the time to speak with us, giving us a heads up on how their first performance in Santiago will be, what they expect from their Chilean fans, and how they believe this, their first visit to South America will be. Girls... we present, the Kaulitz twins.
by Yolanda Galaz T.

: How do you feel at just a few days from presenting your show and the band for the first time in South America?
Tom: The truth is we are so happy, because it is the first time that we go there, and if we didn't do so before, is because it is really difficult to manage a show of this kind and travel so far with the tour that we were doing. But the truth is that we feel really happy of meeting our fans "from down there" (laughs) very soon.

: The show you will present in Santiago will be similar to what the fans have seen in Europe?
Bill: Since we will be presenting the new album, the performance will be the same that has been seen on the European Humanoid City Tour. The thing is we can't take absolutely everything from the production with us to Chile, but we will take our outfits, and all that, so in that sense it will be the same. You can be sure we are going with all we have and more, because we are anxious to go and play in Chile.

: What are your thoughts on how in far away countries such as Chile, fans adore and prefer German versions of your songs over English?
Tom: Wow! (laughter)... I am very surprised, because I really had no idea! But, are you serious? Wow! (pause and chatter among the Kaulitz). And good thing you tell me! because we are just now preparing the list of songs that we are going to perform; and it is awesome to know that the fans love our mother language, with which we began to make ourselves known. And you know what, I am really pleased that it is this way, because besides German and English we don't speak anything else, and it is admirable that our fans in Chile feel interested in listening to our songs in German and that they take the time to translate them. I am excited!

: I can tell you more Tom, in Chile the fans are dedicated, because they adore the German versions and they and demand them on the albums...
Tom: They are really incredible, I cannot believe it! Never in my life would I have imagined it, it's's perfect!

: And since we are on the subject of our country, do you know anything about Chile?
Bill: The truth is we are going to let ourselves be surprised, because we don't know much about the country, nor do we know much about the music, but we are always in contact with our fan clubs and we know the tremendous support that they give us from Chile. We have read it all, because they tell us a lot and we have also seen the videos that our fans in Chile upload on the Internet (and they are truly creative). But anyway, aside from that, we are going to let them surprise us; I think that is the most beautiful thing about traveling, because you arrive to a city that you don't know, and you let yourself be surprised by all those new impressions.

: We know the "unconditional love" that you awaken in your fans. Are you prepared for the harassment (always with love, it's clear) from so many girls that awaits you here?
Tom: The truth is that in more than one occasion we have had one bad experience with some fan, because sometimes someone will lose control and we don't know what to do; even if it happens a thousand times, we still gets nervous. But we are more than wishful to be there soon, with our fans, that are always with the best disposition and with all their love supporting us from the first row in our concerts.

: With all the success, tours, trips, performances, etc... Have you ever stopped to think if, at some time you wished to take your voice and songs to countries as far as ours?
Bill: It is something incredible. So tremendous! I have yet to finish assimilating and comprehending it all, and it makes me glad that it is like this. It is something that none of us ever imagined, since we never thought that we would have so much success outside of our own country, and especially in other continents. We still cannot believe that we travel so much, that we meet so many people, and that we can sing to fans in so many places. It is something that each time I see it and I experience it, it moves me. Truthfully, I cannot help it because it is a gift and I am very thankful for having received it.

: As good musicians, I would love to check out your personal iPod, so that you recommend some music that you like to the readers of Tú.
Bill: Within the band, our music taste is very diverse, since we all like different things. But what we all like and is absolutely recommended is Aerosmith. To me, personally, what I like the most is music from the 80's. I love Depeche Mode, I love the Stereophonics... I think that bands of that style are the best and without a doubt I recommend them to our fans.

: Let me tell you, you have great taste...
Bill: How sweet, thank you so much.
Tom: Hahaha...he's all red! Hahaha

: Finally, I would like to leave the line open, for you to leave a message to the fans, who are eagerly waiting for you in Chile.
Tom: What we want to say a heartfelt thank you to all and to the fans for their support, and that we are very happy to take our music there. And it has been so long since we wanted to do it, and finally we have done it! So we are happy to finally be able to be over there, and we give you infinite thanks for all the support that you have always given us, thank you for all the good things that we have received from them, and for the stupendous show that I know we will have in Santiago. Greetings to all the fans in Chile and we'll see you soon.
Bill: Dankeschön.

Translation by Vee from THA

Saturday, October 30, 2010

¡Miren lo que me encontre!

Miren lo que encontre mientras pasaba en la sección de música en Walmart localizado en Plaza del Sol en Bayamón. Fans de Puerto Rico no hay excusas para no adquirir sus productos de forma legal  y por Ebay ( no nos cuenta a nuestros favor a la hora de contabilizar las ventas para cualquier posibilidad de negociación si en algún futuro de verdad nos interesaría traer a la banda en Puerto Rico o al territorio que nos es más viable ir que es los Estados Unidos).

Look what I've found when I went browsing through the music section at my local Walmart. I am surprise and amuse! So people in Puerto Rico there is no acceptable excuse to download their music illegaly or get it through Ebay.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

+ Saturn Ads

Traducción por adminsitradora:
Extraterreste: Bill, ¿ me puedo unir a su banda?
Bill:  Bueno, ¿qué puedes hacer?
Bill: Vamos... di tú frase.
Alice:  Es cuestión de tecnología.
Translation by BKth4e THA

Allien: Bill, can I join you in your band?
Bill: Well, what can you do?
Bill: Come on....say your phrase
Alice: It's all a question of technology

Traducción por administradora:
Alice: ¿Qué clase de pajaro es?
Pajaro: ¿Cómo voy a saber yo?
Bill: ¿Puedes hablar?
Pajaro: ¿Puedes cantar?
Bill:Es cuestión de tecnología
Translation by BKth4e THA

Alice: What kind of bird is this?
Bird: How do I know?
Bill: You can talk?
Bird: You can sing?
Bill: It's all a question of technology

Wallpaper-promo oficial en el site oficial de
Offical promo and wallpaper at

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Direct Nomination to People's Choice Awards!

Chicos y Chicas, se nos ha pedido que esparcieramos la voz sobre esta nominacion directa a mejor banda de rock para los People's Choice Awards.

Guys and Gals, we have been ask to spread the voice on this direct nomination for best rock band for the People Choice Awards.


Para votar vayan aquí.
To vote go here.

Twitter Action

Twitter Action: Avanza esto termina el 29 de octubre.

The People's Choice Awards esta aceptando votos por twitter. Solo teittea este mensaje  para votar. También cuentan los retweets. 

Tokio Hotel #rockband #PeoplesChoice

Twitter Action: Hurry, ends Oct 29!
The People's Choice Awards is accepting votes on twitter. Just tweet this message to vote (RT's count as well):
Tokio Hotel #rockband #PeoplesChoice

Bill Kaulitz & Alice Cooper @ Saturn Ad

Uffff!!!! Estoy que salto de la emoción y muero literalmente de la alegría. ¡Si! Dos de mis rock icons en un ad, en el mismo espacio. Alice con esa furia que lo distingue... y Bill uff chico rompe corazones con un toque de diablillo con esa mirada que das y como te luces en el video. Ok ya saque esto del pecho.

Aquí les dejo el enlace de las fotos del anuncio y a su vez el enlace del video oficial. Ya que es importante alimentar el feed de esos sitios con nuestro tráfico. ;-)
Traducción del video.

Alice: ¿ Quién eres?
Bill: Yo soy Bill Kaulitz.
Alien: Todos dicen lo mismo.
Bill: Mira.
Alice: Yo también puedo hacer eso.
Bill: Es cuestión de la tecnología.
Traducción por adminsitrador del blog.

Uff!! I am bursting of joy!!!!!! And about to die of happiness!! yes! two of my rock idols in an ad together, same space, same time.... Alice Cooper with fury in his eyes um rageful eyes with a hint of devilish delight that distinguishes him! Hey we are not worth it of you rage and bad ass 's heat! Oh and Bill with that air of  heartbreaker devil  ufff!! You steal it in that video!Ok I got that out of my chest.

Here I leave you the promo ad's link you. Where you can download the picture ad,with some screencaps. Along with the official url of the video. People we need to feed traffic to those sites!

Translation of the video.
Alice: Who are you?
Bill: I am Bill Kaulitz.
Alien: They all say that.
Bill: Watch.
Alice: I can do that too.
Bill: It's just a question of technology.
Thanks BKth4e from Tokio Hotel America!

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Si has leído bien. Las fans de Puerto Rico queremos nominar a Tom Kaulitz de Tokio Hotel como uno de los mejores guitarrista de nuestros tiempos. Necesitamos tu ayuda y queremos lograrlo. Que obtenemos de esto. Promoción de la banda en Puerto Rico ya que por más que nos movamos no nos escuchan y ante la escasez de oportunidades de adquirir su mercancía más dificil se nos hace para hacer ruido. Por eso es hora de actuar y usar esta oportunidad de colocar a la banda por medio de Tom Kaulitz en el "time-slot" de 3:00pm a 6:00pm  del programa especial de Alfa Rock auspiciado por Guitar Boutique. Chicos movamos el mollero y nominemos a Tom Kaulitz. Es ahora o nunca. También si gustan pueden nominar hasta dos guitarristas adicionales. Pero tenemos que dejar claro queremos a Tom Kaulitz en esa lista.

Hilfe! The Puerto Rican fandom is asking you to help us in nominating Tom Kaulitz to Alfa Rock's special edition program Guitar Player 2010 sponsored by Guitar Boutique. What we get from this? Hello free promo if we make enough noise to put Tom Kaulitz on the list. Although we will not know for sure if he will make it until the show is air on Saturday October 30, 2010 in the time-slot of 3:00pm to 6:00pm.  Is a good solid shot to finally air Tokio Hotel's after many years of them being played once in the local airwaves of Puerto Rico.  We do our best to raise our voices by supporting them in here but we barely get merchandise here or we are simply ignored by the local radio host in our request to have them played when we make request for certain songs. So for us this chance is a good golden ticket to get the band promoted in here!  Let us help promote the band by nominating Tom Kaulitz as one of the best guitarist from our times for the Guitar Player 2010  edition. You can also nominate other 2 guitarist to this list if you wish but lets make it clear that we want Tom Kaulitz in that list.

You have the option to nominate other 2 guitarist in addition to Tom Kaulitz!


Voten aquí.
Vote here.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

"Durch die Nacht mit...Bill Kaulitz"

Este episodio documental se estrenará en el canal alemán Arte el 7 de diciembre de 2010.

This special episode-documentary will be air on Arte ( German Chanel) on December 7, 2010.

Source: Tokio Hotel Deutscher Fanclub

Tom Kaulitz @

& scan: tokiohotel-info.

Traducción con ayuda de google translate y arreglos por esta servidora.
Las chicas quieren Músculos
Tom Kaulitz, el guitarrista de Tokio Hotel, acerca de la aptitud, Katy Perry, y un incidente con Viagra
No, él dice en la entrevista de GALA en Hamburgo, no hay rivalidad entre él y su hermano gemelo. Tom Kaulitz, " acaba de suceder, a veces un proyecto en solitario se produce sin Bill o Tokio Hotel" El resultado: el músico de 21 años ahora tiene una carrera en solitario - como portavoz de zapatillas Reebok Classic.
¿Cuántos pares de zapatos tienes en casa?Para el uso diario hay alrededor de 50, donde los zapatos tienen que coincidir los colores de cada ropa que que tengo. Sin embargo, no afecta el fondo monetario de la banda. Puedo elegir entre cientos de modelos tengo los mejores

Ahora anunciamos zapatillas de deporte. ¿Cuán atletas te consideras?Hago pesas tres veces a la semana. En general no soy tan aficionado a los deportes. Pero me hace muy bien. Y me parece también que las chicas les gustan naturalmente los músculos. (Sonríe)
Hablando de las chicas - Tokio Hotel ha visto en los últimos seis años la histeria entre los aficionados de todo el mundo femenino. A veces es demasiado?De los fans que nunca se tiene suficiente. Ellos me dan energía. Pero, por desgracia, parte de esta vida trae Stalkers. Es una locura ¿qué clase de personas enfermas y peligrosas que existen. Las personas que no conocen fronteras?

El actual álbum Humanoid no vende tanto en Alemania como los anteriores. ¿Estás decepcionado?Como artista, yo no le presto mucha atención a los números. Veo nuestro éxito en su conjunto.
EE.UU. reina del pop Katy Perry ha hecho comentarios recientemente acerca de Tokio Hotel. Ella trató de ser graciosa, mencionando el "los chicos con el maquillaje" y dijo que "Eres tan gay". ¿Qué pasó?La buena noticia es que probablemente todavía un poco molesta porque le arrebatamos en 2008 el  Premio MTV EE.UU al "Mejor Artista Revelación". Pero ella tiene no es grave con el burlarse de los homosexuales. Ya nos hemos visto detrás del escenario y todo estaba bien.
Usted está constantemente junto con su hermano gemelo Bill. ¿A veces se incomodan el uno del otro de los nervios?No. Estamos totalmente en sincronía. Es extraño, pero reaccionamos de la misma en todas las situaciones y saber lo que el otro está pensando.
¿Qué pasa con el tema de novia?Actualmente no tengo ninguna. Pero la idea de estar en una relación estable en el amor una vez me parece que es bueno.
Hasta ahora, no lo ha perdido ...Para mí era importante, tener tan diversión como sea posible. Pero ahora ya estoy 21 y es un momento de tranquilidad. No sé si alguna vez voy a tener una relación sólida. Tal vez será a los 40 con sólo haber tenido algunas aventuras.
En mayo se produjo un incidente con viagra y una cita con una groupie.Bueno, en nuestro equipo de gira en Asia, había algunos chicos de más de 30 que la usan regularmente y le encantaban el efecto. Así que, por supuesto que tenía que intentarlo.
 English Translation can be found here.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Bill Kaulitz et Wolfgang Joop en Paris pour Die Nacht mit Bill Kaulitz

Ohh lala! Formaran parte de un episodio especial del programa Durch the nacht mit Bill Kaulitz. En el cual el artista es entrevistado por otra celebridad en una rutina común. En este caso la filmación se da en Paris Fashion Week. Bill Kaulitz asistio al Wunderkind Fashion Show de Wolfang Joop.  Bueno para que les explico más les dejo las fotos y los videos. Bon Appetit mes cheries! Esten atentos a mas información y si quieren conocer sobre la naturaleza del programa denle un vistazo aquí.

Uff! Both Bill Kaulitz and Wolfang Joop will form part of a special episode tittle "Durch the nacht mit Bill Kaulitz" for the German channel Arte. Now patience my darlings! He was shooting this documentary with Wolfang . I am extremely happy for him. Is no surprise Wolfang in the past as express his admiration towards Bill Kaulitz and I could not agree more he is a Fashion and Style Icon for the men and women of Generation X and Y. I will dare to say even beyond. And a good representative of this generation. Stay tune for more details in the future and more information about the program could be found in here. 

Tokio Hotel America's Photo Bucket.
 Joop noches en París con Bill Kaulitz
En París Wolfgang Joop presentó su "niño prodigio - colección", por la noche pintaba de rojo la ciudad con Bill Kaulitz.

Algo para la ciudad del amorDurante el día Wolfgang Joop brilló con su "niño prodigio" colección en la pasarela de la semana de la moda, en la noche de la moda-diseñador realizó una gira con Bill Kaulitz.
Bell-faldas, medias rayas, botas de cordones y una mezcla patrón completo - pero todo encaja.
Martes, 17:00, en la sala de exposiciones de niño prodigio. Bill Kaulitz (21) y Wolfgang Joop (65) se reúnen por primera vez.
"Incluso se ven mejor que en las fotos", dice Joop. El comienzo de una hermosa amistad.
El diseñador presenta la cantante un par de zapatos.
Bill quiere hacer turismo.
"He sido tan a menudo en París, pero nunca vi la Torre Eiffel"
La próxima parada del Palacio de Beauharnais, acompañado por las cámaras para el Arte de la serie "Durch die Nacht MIT"
Chocaron copas de champagne y ser recibido por el embajador alemán. "De alguna manera, también somos embajadores en nombre de Alemania", dice Joop.

Siguiente: El hambre.En el "Café de Flore" que para Croque Madame Croque Monsieur, café y refrescos de cola.
"Yo le quiero  dibujar", dijo Joop.
Le pregunta el camarero de un pedazo de papel y empieza a garabatear la cara de Bill con un bolígrafo y le da la imagen.
El dúo se pasea por el bulevar Saint-Germain. Se lloviznas, Letras del guardaespaldas sosteniendo un paraguas para ellos. Su camino hacia el Sena, los lleva al Pont des Arts, el puente de los enamorados.
Además de la ópera, donde 2.000 personas celebran una bola maskesd lujo. A la medianoche se confundió con la multitud.
A la mañana siguiente, el Palais de Tokio. La estrella de Tokio en la primera fila, el nuevo "niño prodigio" colección es una celebración. Como despedida, que comparten sus Mobil-números. Joop: "Somos como una pareja de gemelos, que han sido separados después del nacimiento y, finalmente, nos han encontrado de nuevo".

Tokio Hotel America's Photo Bucket.
Joop's Paris nights with Bill Kaulitz

In Paris Wolgang Joop presented his " Wunderkind - collection", by night he painted the town red with Bill Kaulitz.

Sleepless in the city of love

During the day Wolfgang Joop shined with his " Wunderkind" collection on the catwalk of the fashion week, at night the fashion-designer made a tour with Bill Kaulitz.

Bell-skirts, stripes tights, laced boots and a complete pattern mix - but it all fits together.

Tuesday, 5pm, in the showroom of Wunderkind. Bill Kaulitz ( 21) and Wolfgang Joop (65) meet for the first time.

"You even look better than on the photos" says Joop. The beginning of a beautiful friendship.

The designer presents the singer a pair of shoes.

Bill wants to do sightseeing.

"I have been so often in Paris, but I never saw the Eiffel-Tower"

Next stop the Palais Beauharnais, accompanied by cameras for the Arte-series "Durch die Nacht mit "

They clinked glasses of champagne and be welcomed by the German ambassador. "Somehow, we are also ambassadors for Germany", says Joop.

Next : Hunger.

In the "Café de Flore" they order Croque Madame, Croque Monsieur, coffee and cola.

"I want to draw you", said Joop.

He asks the waiter for a piece of paper and starts to scribble Bill's face with a ballpen and gives him the picture.

The duo strolls along the boulevard Saint Germain. It drizzles, Bills Bodyguard holding an umbrella for them. Their way down to the Seine, leads them to the Pont des Arts, the bridge of lovers.

Further to the opera, where 2000 people celebrate a lavish masked ball. At midnight they disappeared into the crowd.

Next morning, Palais de Tokyo. The Tokio Star in the front row, the new "wunderkind" collection is a celebration. As a farewell, they share their Mobil-numbers. Joop: "We are like a twin pair, who have been separated after birth and finally have found us again".
 Fuente & Source BZ News au Berlin & Traducción por BKth4e de THA


                                                            Bill Kaulitz und Wolfang Joop

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Tokio Hotel @ Tokio, Japan

In 2010, the biggest surprise NEWS!
German monster band, Tokio Hotel's first visit to Japan and suddenly decide first showcase!
Tokio Hotel have dreamed, finally decide visiting JAPAN !
and will do SHOWCASE in TOKYO.
Bill, Tom, George & Gustav will play their first performance in front of your eyes at TOKYO.
It'll be the early Christmas present for fans!

You can showcase this valuable experience obtained only for a limited invitation!
 You must check the Music-magazines, Radio-station,  special Mail-magazines.
About Showcase ●
Date: December 15 (Wed)
Location: somewhere in Tokyo
Details: We will contact you directly to the winner.

We presented detailed submissions soon!

For fans might be counting the days sleepless night, managed to keep one's health!

translation by Eriko/@mikadb tweeter!
Thanks Nico for provinding the Jpeg and the translation at THUS and THA.

Friday, October 1, 2010

New Behind the Scenes Video! - News - Tokio Hotel

New Behind the Scenes Video! - News - Tokio Hotel

Tokio Hotel - News - Tokio Hotel in Japanese Mag!!

Tokio Hotel - News - Tokio Hotel in Japanese Mag!!

¡Obtenla! Get it!

Llama a tu tienda más cercana de Borders o visita el site de Magazine Cafe aqui para que adquieras tu copia de la edicion de L'Uomo Vogue del mes de Octubre.

Call your nearest Borders store or visit Magazine Cafe here in order to obtain your copy of L'Uomo Vogue, October issue!

L'Uomo Vogue's Editorial Letter

Tom and Bill Kaulitz on the October issue cover

One wouldn't expect such fresh, almost adolescent curiosity on the handsome faces of Bill and Tom Kaulitz, the minds and hearts behind Tokio Hotel. They walk around the decadent rooms of Palazzo Biscuri, the splendid 18th Century palazzo in Catania, Sicily where the photo shoot took place, almost meekly, as if they don't want to disturb the "genius loci".

Considering their success, with a million records sold worldwide (the most recent, Humanoid, on the Universal label, having come out exactly a year ago), it would seem natural for these two young fellows - who have done so much at such a young age - to take everything for granted. And instead it's just the opposite: they seem shocked to find themselves here. "This palace is magnificent, an artistic treasure. There aren't places like this where we come from," says Bill with a slightly embarrassed smile.

He's referring to the East German village of Magdeburg, where the Tokio Hotel fairy tale began ten years ago. Already at the age of seven, the Kaulitz twins were playing guitar and experimenting with extravagant looks, which made them stand out as outsiders at school. Tom was obsessed with Aerosmith and the guitarist Joe Perry, while Bill was a huge fan of David Bowie and fascinated by the transformative talent of the "White Duke".

Stefania Cubello, L'Uomo Vogue, October 2010 (n.414), p. 112-119

On the cover: For Tom. Tuxedo and shirt, Lanvin; jeans DSquared2; shoes Hey Day Footwear. For Bill. Suit Lanvin; bowtie Franco Jacassi; jewelry Sevan Bicakci; boots Rick Owens. Photo by Pierpaolo Ferrari. Fashion editor Robert Rabensteiner.

Dejen comentarios y visiten la galeria de fotos ya que no las subiré en el Blog porque quiero que nosotro@s alimentemos el tráfico hacia el site además mostrar el interés por más de los gemelos Kaulitz al igual que el resto de la banda ( cuando estos aparescan) en revista de este calibre. Vayanaquí. Y que mejor forma que pagar y obtener la revista la cual la puedes adquirir aquí.
Leave comments and visit the galleries in order to feed the website's traffic and demosntrate interest of seeing more of the Kaulitz twins and the rest of the band ( when it occurs) in magazine of such caliber and magnitude as this one. Go here. Also what bigger way to demonstrate interest by paying and obtaining the magazine here.