There is a youtube video of the interview but the quality is really really bad. Bear with me with the transcript. I hope a good quality video will pop-up later or.
Thanks to Leah73 form
Tokio Hotel America Forum for this transcript. This is only a part of it.
Part 1
DJ: Alright so, first question we asked bill and the gang was, did they find malaysia very hot?
B: Yeah, I think so. But it was really warm in Singapore, so...
T: But let's see, we have an outside performance tonight, so it's really hot.
DJ: so it's gonna be an outside concert, is there gonna be a few songs?
T: Yeah, we play a couple songs from our humanoid tour, you know some songs from our humanoid record and some from the scream record and um, yeah, let's see. i mean it's a bit different for us, because you know when we played the european tour we had like a huge production and our own stage, and now it's like we just brought our instruments with us, and the rest is from here so it's a bit different, and a smaller stage and everything but uh, i think it's gonna be great. and the fans are really energetic, we had a great signing session, so it's gonna be a good performance.
DJ: are you gonna put on a lot of stuff or dress up like...?
B: no, because it's too hot, so you know, i thought about a jacket and then i said okay, no, i can't wear a jacket, i think the best thing would be to go on stage naked (!). no, i just keep it simple.
DJ: i see. ok, another question. this question is from clara from (?): she says she loves the song "strange." will you collaborate with anyone else?
B: you know there are no plans yet. maybe something happens. i think it's always important that we are on the same wavelength with the artist, so
T: and personally
B: and personally, so maybe we meet someone and say ok, we want to do something together, but it's not planned yet. and you know, when it comes to tokio hotel it's difficult, because we are all very different in our private music tastes so it's hard to pick one band, but of course we have some dreams. i think it would be ok to do something together with aerosmith.
DJ: aerosmith must do a collaboration. oh how amazing would that be! DJ blabs on...
(after break)
DJ: we had some fans asking, do you think tokio hotel can speak good english, and you guys speak very well.
Guys: thank you very much
B: just in school, and we don't have good teachers, so you know, our english is not that good but we try our best.
DJ: so (to the twins) you are 20?
B & T: yeah
DJ: so your fans want to know, on your 21st birthday, what is your dream party?
B: i think, you know, a dream party would be in las vegas, because the thing is in germany with 18 you are already legal and you can do everything. so it was hard for us, because we only turned 18 and we spent most of the time in america, and there you have to be 21. so that's strange, and so maybe we'll celebrate somewhere in america. let's see there are not plans yet but i think las vegas would be cool. it's a fun place, you know we've been there once...
T: and we went on a jet ski (?)
B: and you can ride a quad bike in the mountains
DJ: then you can (?) as well? (not sure). So what do you miss a lot from back home in Germany?
Georg: our own bed.
Gustav: our homes, our own bed.
DJ: how long have you guys been traveling?
B: yeah the last trip was about 3 months and we were home for just a couple of days...
DJ: ok, (something about trying food)
T: um, in Malaysia we tried fried rice, and we also had that a lot in (?), so we like that. and we had a lot of (?) things.
B: yeah, we tried that. but for tom and me it's a bit difficult because we are vegetarians, so we are very picky (ha! they were picky before they were vegetarians too).
DJ: (mumbles about something)
Band: Hey, we are tokio hotel and thank you for (?) our songs on 91.3's Hot 30 countdown.
Part 2:
DJ: we have this question, this is for tom: would you consider having a tattoo, and if so, where on your body?
T: you know, in the past i said ok, i don't wanna have a tattoo, and now you know i changed a bit my mind because, i don't know, i don't know why, but maybe i would like to have a twin tattoo maybe, you know bill and me the same tattoo. i really think about that, no real plans yet. we'll see.
DJ: (mumbling) (maybe about fan tattoos?)
B: yeah, this had a picture of me on their legs (?)
T: also we had fans with "Bill" and "Tom."
DJ: oh nice! haha. so recently adam lambert tweeted "Where's Bill K? I wanna go shopping with him."
B: i didn't know that. (laughs) i've never met him so far. i just heard about that.
DJ: so do you intend to collaborate with him in the future? some fans actually asked me will you guys do a song together?
B: oh, i don't know him, so maybe i think, you know, it's always best to meet them first. (laughs) let's see what's happening.
DJ: that's right, that's so cool. Bill Kaulitz reacting to adam lambert's tweet. (commercial break)
DJ: ok, we have a question from (?). She wants to know, if tokio hotel opened a theme park, what kind of rides would you have there?
T: theme park, oh, that's a good one.
Georg: for me it would be a go-cart track.
T: i like really, really fast and um, high rollercoasters. you know, so i would love to have the biggest and fastest and highest rollercoasters.
B: for me as well.
T: i like when it goes really, really fast down.
B: we talked about (?), where we spent our last birthday
T: yeah, right
B: that was really cool, so we had like just the whole theme park just for us, and some friends, that was really nice.
T: we had like a tower. and you were sitting in the tower, and it went really fast down, i loved that one. ( i think we get that you like the fast ones, tom ;) )
(more mumbling, laugher...)
T: you know sometimes i like really good things like that (?)
DJ: more Tokio Hotel coming up
DJ: we asked Bill what kind of girl he likes
B: you know, i believe in love at first sight and i really believe in true love and i really wanna meet my soulmate, so, um, that's hard for me because i don't know how my dream girl looks like, i don't have any specific characters (not sure if this is the right word). you know, i hope i can see it in her eyes.
DJ: (mumbling... question is about settling differences)
T: yeah you know it always depends on how important it is. if it's really important, then we fight sometimes. most of the time if we are of different opinions, we have a good fight. but we are like soulmates, so everything's forgotten.