Saturday, August 7, 2010

Tokio Hotel @ RazorTV

Uff  desapareci por una semana para dedicarsela a mis estudios entre ellos el monstru y mirame estoy atrás con las noticias. Pondré el blog al día empezando hoy. :-D

Por favor vayan a la fuente original para ayudar con el conteo ya que es crucial para Plan Dominación Mundial

Uff I was gone for a week dedicating it to my books and monster and bam I am behind with some interviews. Please bare with me I will try to post them to catch-up and settle my debt with you guys. ;-D

Please visit the site to help with the view count is crucial for the World Domination Plan!
Naked in Singapore?
Sex appeal and egos
From viagra overdose to assault
Tom & Bill shared the same girl!
Tokio Hotel disses Tokio

Asegurensen de verificar related videos en caso de que tengan problemas con los enlaces o denle copy link y luego paste en la barra de dirección de  url.

In  case you keep having the same trouble make sure to verify the related videos next to the video window then you will see the other videos. Or if you wish you can copy the url by double clicking the link and clicking copy link location then pasting it to the url address bar in your browser of preference.

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