Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Tokio Hotel @ Zagreb

Quizás te preguntes qué hace la bandera y el símbolo de Tokio Hotel aquí en un blog  boricua dedicado a Tokio Hotel. Pues es en solidaridad y para llamar la antención en relación a una injusticia bien grande que los fans de los Balcanes y en especial de Croacia han estado experimentando desde este pasado domingo.

Los seguidores de los países de los Balcanes se encuentran ante un fantasma conocido como la Cancelación del concierto en Zagreb. Según varios fans croatas y el club oficial de Tokio Hotel en Croacia todo se debe a la irresponsabilidad del manejador local en el país al no pagar los honorarios como acordado. Lo más triste del caso es que aún hasta la fecha se siguen vendiendo las taquillas como si nada. Todavia el manejo y la disquera de Tokio Hotel en Alemania ha dicho algo a pesar de los grandes esfuerzos de la fanaticada de la región para que les aclare la situación si el concierto sigue en pie. Los fans croatas se comunicaron con la prensa local para ejercer presión para que se aclare esta terrible nube con un rayo de luz y que se les haga justicia a ellos.

De no haber noticias en cuanto a esto. Demostremos nuestro apoyo el próximo domingo 10 de marzo hagamos lo posible para realizar en twitter un trending topic en relación al concierto de Tokio Hotel en Zagreb.  Demos nuestro apoyo a los chic@s de Croacia y de los Balcanes para que se les haga realidad su concierto.O por lo menos se les de una respuesta clara en relación a la fecha del 28 de marzo de 2010 pero que de una vez y por toda se les  acabe este tortura emocional. Esto comenzará a las 12 pm hora de Croacia. Ellos no pueden ser ignorados exijamos que se les honre su esfuerzo y se aclare este enredo de una vez  y por todas.

Para más información por favor visiten Tokio Hotel Croatia News Blog.

Maybe you are asking why is there a Croatian flag and Tokio Hotel's symbol together in this post. Well is in solidarity to our fellow TH fans in the Balkan countries and in specific to the Croatians fans who have endured an injustice from last Sunday. This is to call attention and to united ourselves with them in support towards this unacceptable injustices that involves being toyed with their emotions and more confusion as days passes by.

The followers of Tokio Hotel in the Balkan countries are confronted with a familiar ghost from the past in their fandom's history known as  cancellation . According to some Croatian fans and the  Tokio Hotel's Official Club in Croatia  all is due to the irresponsibility of the local manager in the country for not taking  the proper responsibilities for the concert to go through in Zagreb. The saddest part is that even to this date tickets for the concert  are still being  sold. Still, the management or record label of Tokio Hotel in Germany has said nothing or something despite the best efforts of the fans in the region to clarify the situation if the concert is still standing. The Croatian fans  have approached the local press  to exert pressure to clarify this terrible cloud with a beam of light in their efforts to see TH in their country. Is not fair that they should be treated like this for one's fault and irresponsibility to make an entire fandom who has no fault in this to pay the price and be toyed with their emotions and feelings

In case there are no still no news about this and if you want to support them next Sunday, March 10 we want to make it into a trending topic on Twitter #TokioHotelZagreb. Lets give them our support to our fellow Tokio Hotel Fans in Croatia and the Balkans for them to have their Tokio Hotel concert in Zagreb a reality . Or at least have a clear answer regarding the concert in March 28,2010. This will begin at 12 pm Croatia's Time. They can not be ignored. We demand that they honor their effort  and at least for someone to step forward to  clear this whole mess at once. 

For more information please visit Tokio Hotel Croatia News Blog



  1. Zowye, I can not thank you enough for everything that you've done. I am tearing up. I want you to know I will never forget this, if you ever need anything, feel free to ask. Thank you so so so much, I don't know how to thank you, really, besides promising we won't give up this fight.

  2. Thank you so much for your support! <33

  3. Thank you so much for your support !
    It's so nice to see how TH fans care for each other.

    Our concert is officially canceled, but thank you for your efforts.

  4. Thank you very very much on this. It means a lot to us :D <3

  5. This is so nice from you.

    It's so carefull and.. just nice.

    Thank you for your support .
